Local Health Officials Continue To Recommend Social Distancing, Self-Quarantine


HARDINSBURG (03/25/20) — Local health officials updated the response to the Coronavirus outbreak in a Wednesday morning conversation with WXBC.

Jenny Pile of the Breckinridge County Health Department stated as of Wednesday morning, there were still no confirmed cases in the county, with testing on-going. She cuationed not everyone can be tested due to the limited of kits currently available, but screening is also taking place to help evaluate. Anyone with questions of feel they may have been impacted can call at local hotline at 270-756-6548 or the state hotline at 1-800-722-5725.

Pile continued to recommend social distancing during the outbreak and self-quarantining if sick (even if a negative test result) for a full two weeks.

(Interview with Pile…)

The department re-iterated many of these sentiments in a press release issued later in the day on Wednesday (taken from the Department’s Facebook page.)